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Mental Health

The awareness for mental health is on a rise and the need for it has always been high. Before you take any steps, remember to be gentle with your choices when it comes to you, and keep a track of how things make you feel.

Adulting with mental health issues is difficult, but we're here for you to provide some resources and places to start on your journey in taking care of yourself.

A good place to start is the WHO website on Mental Health to acquaint yourself with some of the definitions and contextx in which words are used.

Support Group
One of the most important things to keep in mind when working on mental health, is to never self-diagnose. Always rely on medical professionals, and qualified professionals to give you an appropriate diagnosis.
Here is a informative document on how to approach mental health.
Here is a informative website on how to approach mental health in adulthood.

Mental Health and Social Media

There are strong correlations on social media and its effects on mental health, and as we belong to a generation that has had vast opportunity to explore endless capabilities of social media,, this is extremely important to look into.
Here is a useful website for mental health and social media. 
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